Product Visualization with Adobe Dimension

Heather Kraft
Oct 25, 2020

This week’s project proved much more challenging than I expected.

I chose to build a few different scenes using my bench from last week and the coffee table from the week prior. Getting the models into Adobe Dimension proved fairly straight forward, as did moving things around.

I watched a handful of Adobe Dimension tutorial videos to get off on the right foot, but sadly I ran into issues pretty much the whole way. My ‘scenes’ looked good in Dimension but once rendered the final image was extremely dark. I changed the lighting settings multiple times on all images but this didn’t seem to make much of a difference.

Below the images on the left are my rendered images. The pictures on the right are what the images looked like prior to rendering. Despite looking at my images in the ‘render’ setting in Dimension I still ended up with an unexpected result.

I added 3 models of the bench that I build. I also put in frames and images.
I added the coffee table into the background image and put books on the table.
I added the coffee table into the background image.

I thought that the workflow within Adobe Dimension was quite smooth. Perhaps I picked too challenging of a scene to begin with. I added my background images first and then added in my 3D models, looking back I can see that perhaps this wasn’t the best workflow in terms of me getting familiar with the lighting settings, etc. Overall the lighting proved to be the most challenging and unintuitive for me.

This was a good foray into the world of product visualization. I would like to use it again in the future. Hopefully, for my final project.



Heather Kraft

Designer. Strategist. Innovator. Wondering why the first questions we often ask people is, “what do you do?” Currently being educated @ The Studio (CU Boulder)