Up Vote. Down Vote.

Heather Kraft
5 min readSep 4, 2020

I’ll admit, I’m not a Reddit aficionado. In all truthfulness, I’m not a Reddit user. However, I do appreciate their up-vote, down-vote system.

I applaud the community monitored and driven platform. Most of all I like the idea of being able to have an influence on what other users see. You get to know your community better when everyone has a voice — albeit small.

Up-Vote: Avocados, please, and thank you.
Yes, I graciously accept your judgment of ‘most basic millennial.’ I have no shame in admitting my love for avocados.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Avocado toast — sign me up. I even have socks with avocados on them. A tiny sphere filled with healthy fats, I guess I’m unaware of what’s not to love.

Perhaps my obsession with avocados came during my time as an undergraduate. With a busy schedule, I found that eating an avocado with a spoon was a quick and filling way to keep me on the go. Ever since then avocados have become not only a go-to food for me but also a comfort food.

I’ll admit that I do feel offended on a personal level when people tell me they don’t like avocados. But, it’s okay I guess that means more for me.

Down-Vote: sneezing while driving.
I think each time I sneeze while driving I subconsciously see my life flash before my eyes. While there are many variables to driving you can typically control how you interact with the world around you. However, when you sneeze there is a split-second during which you are not in control or fully aware of your surroundings. I’ve never experienced nor heard of a driving calamity due to sneezing but it always crosses my mind if I sneeze while driving.

Photo by William Krause on Unsplash

Stay safe out there folks and cover your mouth.

Up-Vote: power naps.
First off, I think that power naps are under-rated, under-utilized, and under-appreciated.

Photo by Pete Walls on Unsplash

A large majority of my days as an undergraduate included a scheduled or spontaneous power nap. The small time commitment always paid off in a big way. Being able to pause your body and mind for as little as 10mins is rejuvenating. Whether you actually fall asleep or not doesn’t seem to affect the power of the ‘nap.’

As I move back into a space of learning I hope that I re-acquaint myself with the glory of power-napping.

Down-Vote: loud noises.
I’ll admit that I am sensitive and easily startled. I’ve found that even when I know a loud noise is imminent I will still jump or be surprised. This seems to be a habit I can’t quite get rid of.

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

I do find that I can become habituated to noise if it reoccurs in quick succession, but the first time around is always startling. What I don’t like about loud noises is that they feel abrasive. They are unexpected so there is no way to be prepared when a loud noise presents itself. Perhaps it’s my lack of control surrounding loud noises that I should be down-voting.

Up-Vote: homemade meal.
Going out to eat is fun, but I love cooking at home. The feeling of accomplishment after cooking a yummy home meal. Getting to share a home-cooked meal with friends is even better.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

I love the way that cooking at home challenges me to try new things. If I want pizza for dinner I teach myself how to make pizza dough. If I want Thai, I teach myself how to make pad thai, etc. There is so much room for growth and improvement when building a homemade meal. Sure, it’s often a failure but I’ve yet to not try a recipe again just because it didn’t work out the first time.

I certainly am leaving quarantine as a better cook. Up vote, please.

Down-Vote: watch tans.
This is the first year I’m rounding out summer with a watch tan and I can’t say I’m all that thrilled. I know folks who live to show off their end of summer watch tan. I will reassure you that I am not one of those people.

Photo by Mitchell Hollander on Unsplash

Once I have a tan (or lack thereof) in the shape of a watch it seems like I can never leave the house without my watch on. Does anyone else experience this feeling?

I think that in the grand scheme of things I like what the tan represents — a lot of time outdoors. However, in a practical sense, I don’t like how it looks. What a strange shape to have burned on to your wrist.

Perhaps next season I’ll intentionally work to not have a watch tan.

But for now, life goes on.



Heather Kraft

Designer. Strategist. Innovator. Wondering why the first questions we often ask people is, “what do you do?” Currently being educated @ The Studio (CU Boulder)