VR Environment Cont.

Heather Kraft
2 min readMar 6, 2021

This week’s project was not easy for me.

I continued to iterate on the environment I’d previously built. I was able to modify the script for the water asset to change the cadence and height of the ‘waves.’ In all honestly, that was the only win I had with the project.

I played around with the scale of the environment and it was a big mistake. Based on feedback I’d received I scaled the world up by quite a bit but once I got into it moving around was so so slow. After I’d scaled everything up I pivoted and scaled everything back down. Somewhere in the process all of my axis got messed up so nothing is located at 0,0,0. I took some time rearranging the assets but trying to move things back to an origin point seemed to break the world even more.

I decided to leave things where they were and adjust my player to fit within the environment. I was able to add in a few teleport portals and teleport areas. This seemed to be quite intuitive although I was unable to test them out on my home PC — I hope to try them out using the headsets in the studio.

I found the game player could walk through the ground so I added an additional plane below my ground environments. I tried to add collider elements but this didn’t seem to have much effect. My thinking is that once the game is connected to the VR headset the player will operate differently. We will see.

I fear that the scale of my environment is still too big because when I go into play mode a few of the elements would not come into view. As I continued to walk around it seemed like some of the assets were building themselves. Additionally, the player moves about painfully slow. View the screen recording below.


All in all, I feel like I broke my environment this week. I was stretched too thin to rebuild from scratch. You win some you lose some. I am running into errors connecting my PC to the server. I am troubleshooting and will hopefully get it connected soon.



Heather Kraft

Designer. Strategist. Innovator. Wondering why the first questions we often ask people is, “what do you do?” Currently being educated @ The Studio (CU Boulder)